RWD #3 is a non-profit quasi municaplity. We are tax exempt. We do not receive any funding from Federal, State, Jackson County, or the City of Holton. The only revenues and "funds" we receive are from our patrons via their water bills. Water meters are currently $5,000.00. If you need a line extension run to obtain water service to your property we estimate those line extensions on a case by case basis depending on a number of factors is how the cost will be determind. Roads bores are estimated to start at a price of $2,000.00 if you need to get water from one side of the road over to your property. Major Road Bores or Highway Bores start at $3,000.00 and may be more depending on the situation and the overall length or if rock is encounterd. Rural Water District # 3 responsibility stops at the water meter and the customer's responsibility starts on the other side of the water meter and with their private service line running the entire distance to their house.